Johnny Townsend

1089 days ago

Eden Research interims scarred by Covid, Brexit and that fecker Tom Winnifrith

For 17 years I have been pointing out the lies and frauds committed by Eden Research (EDEN). I could paper my bedroom with the lawyers letters it and its partner in crime 3DM (now in administration, having blown £65 million of other folks cash, sent me). I could paper another few rooms with the online harassment I received from the 3Dimmers, whipped up by shamed promoters Old Mother Mike Walters and Johnny “the Rat” Townsend. Here we are and I am still on the case although how the regulators have allowed this farce to continue for so long really does cause me to despair. Retained losses now stand at £40 million!


3147 days ago

Eden Research and the strange case of the exercised options that belonged to no-one

Eleven years ago I did battle with Eden Research (EDEN) and Environmental Recycling Technologies (ENRT), then called 3DM which were both run by Witney lawyer Ken "Kenny-boy" Brooks. They sent me a slew of lawyers letters, their advisers John Finn, Johnny Townsend and PR man/tipster Mike Walters engaged in a filthy dirty tricks and smear campaign against myself and Lucian Miers, but it was team Kennyboy that ended up with TWO FSA censures. I am now officially "at war" with both companies once more and will today endeavour to show why both worthless entitities should be delisted at once. I start with a very gentle opening delivery for Eden, the strange case of the options.


3448 days ago

Environmental Recycling, formerly 3DM, still a POS 10 years after we battled last - time for round 2?

The Quindell of 2005 was a company called 3DM. Its shareholders the ThreeDimmers saw the AIM casino stock hyped up to 150p as this former Kazakh loo paper manufacturer told lie after lie. It sent me lawyer’s letter after lawyer’s letter as it tried to bully me into silence. Its cheerleaders, tipster Mike Walters and a City spiv called Johnny Townsend, encouraged all shareholders to report me to the FSA (the FCA of old). But in the end it was 3DM that was censured not once but twice by the FSA (2006 and 2008) for its serial lies. Today that company is called Environmental Recycling (ENRT) and it is still on AIM. Just.
